Dear Aiwyn, It's official. You have been out of my belly longer than you were in it (especially since you only stayed in 37 weeks). For me, your ninth month was one of the most difficult months of your life. You are so much fun and changing every day. I hate, HATE not being able to see all your firsts. It has been a struggle to peel myself out of bed from you in the mornings since I started back to work, but now it seems worse. I get some of your milestone updates via Facebook status updates or text messages while I am at work. You started crawling this month and I was in an Excel class for work and your Pops sent me a text. Work has been very busy and stressful which is good because my mind is filled with things other than you and how much I miss you. But it's bad because I'm stressed. The stress and guilt of not being with you had manifested into strange things. I'd left your Pops and Grandma notes about how to "do things" or "things to remember." I guess it was making me feel like I still had some control when my emotions were out of control. I'm lucky that they both just take it stride. I've had a hard time making your 9 onesie this past month. Making it feels difficult. Like making the onesie just confirms that you are getting closer to a year. I mean you are 3/4 of a year old. I also really enjoy being the one to take your "month" pictures to post and since I got behind I keep thinking, I'll do it on the weekend so you can wear it and I can take the picture. I still haven’t made your 10 yet, but I will and I will get pictures of you in it! I wanted to make sure your 10 month letter was written. Most of the first four paragraphs of this letter are from your 9 month letter that I never finished. You have a total of 8 teeth now. 5 of the eight have came in the first 19 days of November. You have been a champ about all that mouth movement. Grumpy Aiwyn is like a completely blissful regular baby. We can tell you don't feel good and you nah, nah a little, but you never REALLY fuss. I took you clothes shopping at the outlets with Grandma and you were so good. Grandma was so shocked that you were the perfect baby all day long. She sees you daily, but doesn't really take you out. You stayed in your stroller pretty much the entire time and at the end of our shopping trip, you fell asleep... again shocking Grandma that you were so tired, but didn't fuss. We were having a difficult time nursing during your ninth month. You are VERY distracted and unlatch several times. It also seems you are impatient for the let down and you unlatch, roll away and nah me. The last week you have been doing better nursing. I let you unlatch and roll away and then you come back when you are ready. It seems you just didn’t like it when I tried to latch you back on. I’ve also noticed that you rub your gums with your tongue when you unlatch. I think the pressure of nursing makes your tender gums sore. I was really frustrated and a little sad because I thought you were weaning yourself. I wasn’t ready to stop nursing you. It is a sweet cuddle time we have together and I cherish it. Thank goodness it has gotten better. We celebrated two Thanksgivings this year, one with each set of local grandparents. You got to eat turkey, mashed potatoes, and a roll (well not a whole one). Your Aunt Susan, Uncle Rick, Ben, & Olivia were here visiting from Chicago for the week. You had so much fun with all the cousin chaos. The boys were running around like madmen (and so was Olivia) and Olivia was giving you lots of hugs and kisses. I regret not spending more time with them. Nana, Great-Aunt Gina, and Shelby were here for a weekend. You even got to see your Grandmama, Great Unga, Uncle Chris, Great Aunt & Uncle, and Emily over Skype the morning of Thanksgiving. Two days ago you said your first two syllable word “dada.” You started off just moving your mouth up and down and mouthing it for a little while like you were warming up. Then all of a sudden “dada!” It is so sweet. I love it. I love all your sweet baby sounds. Which now has me thinking about you laughing and squealing. At night when I change you into your pajamas, I sit you up on your changing table to change your shirt. As soon as your shirt comes of you start pumping both your straightened arms up and down and then comes the “hee, hee, hee” sound. The giggling can’t be contained when I start singing “naked baby, naked baby.” Then I give you kisses all over your back and belly and you squeal! So much fun! You can “kiss” when asked. Except you only kiss when you want to. Your kiss is a nice wide open mouth and usually some drool to keep you wanting more. Your crawling has improved even though it is still unique. Your arms are in the army crawl movement but your legs are in a lower crawl. You get on your knees and alternate between the knees, but you don’t get all the way up because you’re still on your forearms. Today I took you to see an allergist. I was thinking your hives that you had a few month ago were from the yogurt and you may have a cow milk protein allergy. I had brought it up at your 9 month well child check-up to your pediatrician and after checking your hemoglobin that was low, she thought it would be a good idea to be tested. The allergist is board certified in pediatrics and allergy/immunology. I think he really likes children and when he saw you he wanted to hold you (who doesn’t, right?). You were a little scared and didn’t want to be held by a stranger. But you weren’t stingy with your smile. You had at least 16 foods of a skin prick on right forearm. About 4 of those (milk, casein, fresh milk, & almonds) were a possible positive. So you then had to have 6 more needles in your left forearm (they had to have 2 controls: histamine and saline). After the second arm, the doctor decided you didn’t have enough of a reaction to call it a positive skin prick test but he wanted to have an antibody blood test to be sure. You didn’t even make a peep during both skin prick tests. Before we left his office, you let him hold you for a few minutes. I think you made his day! We then went to the lab at CHOA to have your blood drawn. We also checked your CBC, transferrin, and ferritin levels which all together required 4 tubes of blood! The first 2 tubes you were ok, but by the time the nurse was filling the third, you had reached your limit. You had missed your morning nap and this lady had a tourniquet on your arm and had your wrist and hand in a death grip so much that your little hand was purple. You fussed. I thought you were going to have a full out FIT, but as soon as she took the tourniquet off and released your hand you were happy again. The lady almost fell over when I told her we had just come from you getting a skin prick test. She said that most kids throw a fit as soon as they walk through the door because they are tired of being messed with. After all those appointments, I was hungry and I was sure you ready to eat your solids (you nursed at the doctor’s office). You got to taste gnocchi for the first time and you loved it. Most adults don’t even know what gnocchi is, but you eat it for lunch when you’re 10 months old! Mucho, Mama
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Sad Halloween
Dear Aiwyn,
When we were at the pumpkin patch you were scared of all the pumpkins and I waited until last night to show you "our" pumpkin because I was afraid you would have the same reaction. You did. You got scared and cried at the sight of a perfectly round uncarved pumpkin.
I've always loved carving pumpkins and for years I have begged/dragged your Pops to go pick out a pumpkin and then we think of a design and then carve it together. Lets just say it hasn't always been "his thing." But for the last 2-3 years he has asked me "when are we going to pick out our pumpkin?". I'm not sure if he just asks because he know I want to go or if he's had a change of heart and perhaps he gets a little joy out of the tradition?! Your Pops and I didn't carve a pumpkin this year. Number one reason is we were short on time. We bought the pumpkin exactly a week before Halloween. Number two, I just didn't feel up to it. I would have to carve it out of sight of you and you wouldn't be able to enjoy it lit... where's the fun in that? Besides, I said we were short on time..... I would rather be hanging out with you, than carving a pumpkin in a different room from you.
Today you were really sad. You only took about 45 minutes of your morning nap because of one really loud, obnoxious dog that lives in this house. Which meant I didn't get to shower while you napped (I was trying to put away laundry before hopping in the shower). So after you woke, I brought you into the bathroom with me while I showered. You are usually fine. Today you were not. You were so upset, you started sobbing. I spent the next 1 1/2 hours holding you and trying to calm you while I was in a robe with soaking wet hair. Your Grammy asked me why you were so upset. My response was "she didn't tell me." It can be so frustrating to not know what's wrong. It makes me so sad when you are sad. I suspect you were just upset because you have a top tooth that is about a hair width from feeling the air when you give that goofy smile.
I was planning on taking you to Grammy & Grampy's house in your costume and then running by Cooper's house (our cutie pie neighbor dinosaur) when we got home. But because we had such a rough day, I thought it was best that we stayed home. We spent a lot of time playing and rolling around on the floor together and I took some pictures of you in your costume. You were a Glow worm, but your Grandma had made you a tutu and so I also dressed you up in that.
I hope next year, pumpkins won't seem so scary and we can go out and do some trick or treating. And hopefully all those teeth will be in.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Picking out a Pumpkin
Dear Aiwyn,
I have always loved the ritual of picking out a pumpkin, coming up with a design to carve, and the act of pumpkin carving. But this process always starts with picking a pumpkin. I was so excited to take you to the pumpkin patch to pick out your 1st pumpkin. I was going to get all kinds of cute pictures of you. Pictures of you next to pumpkins, on a pumpkin, standing and holding onto a pumpkin, etc. However, we only really got a few pictures of you in the pumpkin patch. Your Pops was wearing you as walked through the patch trying to find the perfect pumpkin. We picked one out and when I picked it up to show you, you freaked out and started crying. You were so scared! So I moved the pumpkin away and we calmed you down. So then we thought maybe you would do better if you were standing next to a pumpkin.... wrong. Again, you freaked out. So, we decided we had to get at least one picture of you alone with a pumpkin....
Today is 3 days later and I still haven't "shown" you the pumpkin again to see how you react... I'm a little worried. Our pumpkin may be uncarved this year?!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
8 Months plus some
Dear Aiwyn,
We just recently got back from visiting family in Missouri. I flew alone with you again (your 1st time you were 2 1/2 months old). The 1st time we flew together, we found out or flight was canceled when we got to the airport and they rescheduled us for the next flight 4 hours later. To compensate the airline gave me a $50 credit to use within a year which helped me decide to go for another visit. This time when we arrived at the airport, they informed me they overbooked the flight and they were asking for people to give up their seats. I was super smart and upgraded to business class. We had so much more room during the flight. You were the great baby you always are and didn't fuss the entire time during both flights. After we landed in St. Louis I was in the gate restroom looking for a changing station and I was stopped by a family (grandma, mom, and 7 year old daughter) who wanted to coo over you. I told your Grandmama that we were held up in the restroom with a family that wanted to see and talk to you and that we get stopped often for that reason. Whenever we are out, there is always someone that talks to you. We have nicknamed you the "Charmer." You give everyone a great big smile and squint those irresistible eyes at them. And if they're lucky you even bounce or kick your legs. You proved to Grandmama that this happens often. When we were in Wal-mart, Grandmama was getting some food and I took you to the baby section to look around for a hat. There was a woman speeding through the baby area with just a few groceries in her arms until she saw you. She was walking so fast that she was about 10 feet past us when she stopped and turned around to talk to you. You flashed her that smile as she sped past and she couldn't resist you. She stopped and talked for a few minutes as if she had no where to go (despite being in a rush the first time she passed us). Then Grandmama met up with us and the lady was still there talking- you are definitely the Charmer.
You are still not crawling, but really you don't "need" to because you roll everywhere and you're getting pretty fast flipping across the floor. Just this week you have been getting really good at pushing up on your arms, lifting your entire chest off the floor and pivoting around. You like to prop your feet up on things too. So you will roll over to the ottoman or to Puja and prop your legs up. Yesterday morning after you finished nursing, you rolled onto your back and then propped your left leg onto my right hip. It was really cute and sweet.
You are standing like a champ. You will stand when we hold you or put you in front of something for you to hold onto. When you stand you tend to lock your knees, so when I try to "walk" you forward your legs are stiff and I can't even get you to put one in front of the other. I'm in no hurry for you to walk or for me to be chasing you. You will bounce your legs when we say "boing, boing, boing" and you laugh.
You still have only two front, bottom teeth (24, 25). You were really teething at the beginning of the month and I can see the two top incisors (6, 11) right under the gums. Then you stopped drooling so much and it was like they just stopped right there. Now it looks like your left front, top incisor (9) is moving down. You love your food and open your mouth really big for all your bites. You have even started eating some chunkier foods. Your Pops and I are still working on baby signs with you. You think "more" and "all done" are hilarious and you laugh and bounce when we sign them.
You are so curious about the world around you. You love to look around when we go out. I now face you outwards when I "wear" you so you don't get a cramp in your neck from craning it so far. You don't have much patience for nursing especially during the day time. If there is the tiniest noise you pop off and turn to look. The best time of day that you nurse is in the morning. You just nurse and snuggle with me and I LOVE IT!!! It takes every cell in my body to peel me out of bed to go to get ready for work in the mornings. I've had a hard time this month coping with being a working mom. I've always felt a little guilty about leaving you since I returned from maternity leave. But this month I had a co-worker friend who decided to not return to work and it has been hard for me. I've heard other co-workers say things like "when you look at that baby, how could you leave it" or "she's such a good mama." As a family I have to work for us to afford living and to have health insurance. I want you to know that I love you even when I am not with you. I look forward to seeing you at the end of every work day. When I have an bad day, all I think about is seeing your smiling face and giving you lots of kisses on those chubby cheeks and a nice snuggle before bed.
*I started this post on 10/17, but didn't finish it up until 10/27/09.
Monday, September 7, 2009
7 Months
Dear Aiwyn,
You are now seven months old! We were in Florida for your seven month "birthday." We went with your Grammy, Grandpa, Great Uncle Earle, Great Aunt Patti, and your cousin Little CJ. We had a great time. You only had 3 sad moments: after 6 hrs in the car on the way there, one night when you were ready for bed, and after 5 1/2 hrs in the car on the way back. That's ok, I, too, get a little short-fused after being in the car that long and when I'm sleepy.
Other than those three tiny times, you were the perfect, happy baby. You charmed everyone you met and I think Earle, Patti and CJ are in love with you. You had Earle talking baby talk! One afternoon you fell asleep in Patti's arms and she looked like she was in baby heaven. CJ loved to "play" with you and help take care of you.
You have grown so much. Last month you weighed 17 lbs 7 oz and you go back to the doctor in a few days. I bought a travel size pack 'n play to keep at the shop for when you go with Pops to work and to take with us when we travel. I brought it with us to Florida and tried to put you in it the first two nights, but you are too big. You would stretch and hit the side and then wake yourself up. So I gave up and we slept together. Oh, the snuggles we had. You have inherdited your Mama's professional snuggling skills and I LOVE IT!!! However, you also inherdited your Pops spastic night time movements and you wiggle and kick a lot. That, I wasn't too excited about.
I was excited about taking your 7 month picture this month because you are sitting up so well on your own. You have gotten over your phase of always throwing yourself backwards when we sit you up (you used think it was funny because you were always caught be someone or had nice soft pillows stacked around you). However, on your day you decided to go on a "sitting strike" and it lasted through to the next day also. But it only lasted 2 days. I had to put a little sand seat behind your bottom to get a good picture on the beach. All your pictures turned out so good, it was hard to choose which ones to post. You were being a ham.
You got your first 2 teeth at the same time this past month and you have only bit me twice. Once you chomped down on my finger and the second time you got my side as you were laying on my lap and I was preparing to nurse you. I guess I wasn't moving fast enough!
You are doing better eating your food. You eat about 1 1/2 oz twice a day now (before you were eating less than an ounce twice a day). You still aren't that thrilled about eating and you don't open your open. I always thought all kids open their mouth excited about food. Not you. You'll eat it once it's in there, but you make it a challenge to get it in there. However, Grammy fed you dinner tonight & she said you did open your mouth for her but you had it angled down...still making it a little challenging I guess. You still love your little Milk Monster.
You still aren't crawling, but you get around. You roll all over the floor and this past week, you have gotten quick. Today, I put you on your mat in the living room and was at the kitchen sink for about 1 minute and you had rolled almost to the edge of the living room. I definitely have to watch you on the bed now! You have even figured out how to roll with some forward momentum and not just side to side. This helps you to grab toys and the pups.
Speaking of your pups. Max and Puja were so excited when we got home. You got so many kisses. And then the next day you and Puja were rolling around on the floor together.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Pregnancy Flashback- Voting
Dear Aiwyn,
As we drove home yesterday, we drove past the library where I voted during the last presidential election.... This past presidential election had the biggest turn out of voters in my voting history. (maybe ever? I haven't checked the stats on that.) I left work an hour early to drive across town to vote (from Covington to Lilburn). I got to the voting poll at about 4:45 PM and the line was wrapped around the outside of the building. I thought, "No problem. I have a magazine to read." It was a little chilly, but I had my winter coat on and the sun was still out. I left my scarf in the car and it was parked up a hill and on the side of a busy road (the library parking lot was full), so I didn't want to lose my place in line and go get it. The line was moving very slowly. And the sun was starting to set. It was so cold that I didn't want to take my hands out of my pockets to hold the magazine. There were some really sweet girls and their mom that were giving out cookies and hot chocolate which helped until I drank it all. Then the sun was gone and we were still outside. By this point I had already been in line a little over 2 hours. I called your Pops to have him bring me some snacks, gloves, a hat, oh and some socks because I was 6 months pregnant with hot feet and didn't wear socks that winter. But wait, I forgot to tell your Pops I needed socks, or did he forget? I can't remember. Well, he got there and had no socks for me. So he took his socks off and then walked barefoot back to the car!
No one around me knew I was pregnant until we were almost inside. I guess I looked really robust in my winter coat. They found out when I asked someone to hold my place in line because I needed to go to the bathroom (and I made a comment about pregnancy bladder). At about 8:30 PM some people in line ordered pizza and shared. I was lucky enough to get 2 pieces. I think both you and I were starved. Finally we got inside the warm building, but they still had us weaving in and out of rooms. I cast my ballet after waiting 4 1/2 hours in line! That's dedication! So, next time I go to vote my packing list will contain: snacks, water, appropriate clothing and foot wear, something to make the time pass (iPod?), and a camp chair. And to your grandfather, I have to say "I'm glad my vote cancelled out yours!"
This is what we looked like 2 weeks after the voting. Whoa, belly!
As we drove home yesterday, we drove past the library where I voted during the last presidential election.... This past presidential election had the biggest turn out of voters in my voting history. (maybe ever? I haven't checked the stats on that.) I left work an hour early to drive across town to vote (from Covington to Lilburn). I got to the voting poll at about 4:45 PM and the line was wrapped around the outside of the building. I thought, "No problem. I have a magazine to read." It was a little chilly, but I had my winter coat on and the sun was still out. I left my scarf in the car and it was parked up a hill and on the side of a busy road (the library parking lot was full), so I didn't want to lose my place in line and go get it. The line was moving very slowly. And the sun was starting to set. It was so cold that I didn't want to take my hands out of my pockets to hold the magazine. There were some really sweet girls and their mom that were giving out cookies and hot chocolate which helped until I drank it all. Then the sun was gone and we were still outside. By this point I had already been in line a little over 2 hours. I called your Pops to have him bring me some snacks, gloves, a hat, oh and some socks because I was 6 months pregnant with hot feet and didn't wear socks that winter. But wait, I forgot to tell your Pops I needed socks, or did he forget? I can't remember. Well, he got there and had no socks for me. So he took his socks off and then walked barefoot back to the car!
No one around me knew I was pregnant until we were almost inside. I guess I looked really robust in my winter coat. They found out when I asked someone to hold my place in line because I needed to go to the bathroom (and I made a comment about pregnancy bladder). At about 8:30 PM some people in line ordered pizza and shared. I was lucky enough to get 2 pieces. I think both you and I were starved. Finally we got inside the warm building, but they still had us weaving in and out of rooms. I cast my ballet after waiting 4 1/2 hours in line! That's dedication! So, next time I go to vote my packing list will contain: snacks, water, appropriate clothing and foot wear, something to make the time pass (iPod?), and a camp chair. And to your grandfather, I have to say "I'm glad my vote cancelled out yours!"
This is what we looked like 2 weeks after the voting. Whoa, belly!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Dear Aiwyn,
It's official, you have teeth. Not just one coming in, but 2! They're in the middle on the bottom. Your Pops and I knew you were out of sorts on Sunday and you had been MISS DROOL MONSTER all week, but you haven't really been that cranky. When I started giving you solids, I started brushing your teeth after dinner each night. This week you have really been loving me rubbing the finger brush over your gums. There was no teeth last night, I think they both sprouted up over night. Grandma found your teeth today. She told me she was surprised I or your Pops hadn't seen them yet. She felt them when you were sucking on her finger. Apparently both your Pops and I replied that we don't let you suck on our fingers! At least Grandma washes her hands often!
It's official, you have teeth. Not just one coming in, but 2! They're in the middle on the bottom. Your Pops and I knew you were out of sorts on Sunday and you had been MISS DROOL MONSTER all week, but you haven't really been that cranky. When I started giving you solids, I started brushing your teeth after dinner each night. This week you have really been loving me rubbing the finger brush over your gums. There was no teeth last night, I think they both sprouted up over night. Grandma found your teeth today. She told me she was surprised I or your Pops hadn't seen them yet. She felt them when you were sucking on her finger. Apparently both your Pops and I replied that we don't let you suck on our fingers! At least Grandma washes her hands often!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Dear Aiwyn,
Just this week you started to give me kisses. At least that's what I'm calling them. I've nicknamed you "my little vampire" because when it's time to nurse you come at me with your mouth open and make an "aahh" sound that kind of sounds like a vampire noise. Your kisses are similar except it's not as scary as you lunging at my boob.
Well, it's still a little violent. You start of grabbing my hair. Each little chubby hand has a fist full of my curls on either side of my face. Then you use my hair to catapult yourself towards my face and you aim for either my mouth or my chin with your mouth wide open and the vampire "aahh" sound. When I pry you off my face (like a baby octopus) you are laughing and smiling. You are the silliest, sweetest little baby. I love you.
PS. As I was reviewing this before I posted, it reminded me that my Mom has told me many times that I used to do a similar vampire thing to her neck, but instead of making a vampire "aahhh" noise I would bob up and down and go "ahahahaha." Maybe this runs in the family?!
Just this week you started to give me kisses. At least that's what I'm calling them. I've nicknamed you "my little vampire" because when it's time to nurse you come at me with your mouth open and make an "aahh" sound that kind of sounds like a vampire noise. Your kisses are similar except it's not as scary as you lunging at my boob.
Well, it's still a little violent. You start of grabbing my hair. Each little chubby hand has a fist full of my curls on either side of my face. Then you use my hair to catapult yourself towards my face and you aim for either my mouth or my chin with your mouth wide open and the vampire "aahh" sound. When I pry you off my face (like a baby octopus) you are laughing and smiling. You are the silliest, sweetest little baby. I love you.
PS. As I was reviewing this before I posted, it reminded me that my Mom has told me many times that I used to do a similar vampire thing to her neck, but instead of making a vampire "aahhh" noise I would bob up and down and go "ahahahaha." Maybe this runs in the family?!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
6 Months
Dear Aiwyn,
You turned 6 months last Saturday. I was on time making your onsie (actually early), just late writing your letter. Work gets in the way of so many things...especially spending time with you.
You are so much fun. You are still the happiest baby ever. You smile, giggle, and full on LAUGH most of the day. When we are out, I get all kinds of people that say "Look at that baby" and then you flirt and show your goofy smile and they can't help but smile too. Then they usually say "She's such a happy baby. Is she always like this?" I am always smiling when I say "Yes, we're lucky she's so happy ALL the time."
You've found your feet this week and love to grab ahold of them. You look like you should be in a Jane Fonda video! I've even caught you putting your toes in your mouth. I took these pics in the car with my phone, so they're not the best but you're still cute in them!
You love to kick those cute, chunky legs of yours all the time. You kick when you are laying on your stomach. You kick at things nearby when you are on your back. You think it's great fun to kick and scooch when we are changing your diaper- it's like you kick out of your diaper. You even like to kick when you are sitting so that you scooch down and can kick better when you are lounging or on your back. And you LOVE to kick in the bath. I had to retire your baby bath tub last week because you are getting so big and your kicks make most of the water come out of the tub and onto the counter, floor and me. I bought this super cute inflatable duck bath tub that fits in the big tub. It makes it smaller and has a non-slip bottom. It also quacks which makes you laugh (not squeak, but actually quacks three times when you squeeze the beak). The funny thing is you scooch so you are lounging with one arm propped up on the side of the tub and then you have better leg momentum to kick a ton of water out of the tub, but now it just goes into the big tub and down the drain. Well, I still get a little wet but I expect that.
We started you on rice cereal on your 6 month "birthday." You aren't too interested in solids yet. I guess we can't expect the "milk monster" to love new foods too easily! I made some organic zucchini for you last night and you had the same reaction as you had to the rice cereal. I haven't forgotten that you were born 3 weeks early and due to my occupation I think I'm more than qualified to help you learn to love new and exciting, yummy foods as you are ready for them. We will keep trying every day.
You are really interested in the dogs now. You reach both your arms out to them when they walk by you. You also laugh and squeal at them. You love to "pet" them which is usually you getting a handful of ears or jowls. Max and Puja are so gentle and they love you. They enjoy giving you kisses on your hands and even your face. Max likes to smell your mouth which you so willingly open for him and then he tries to get a lick in. I think he's hoping there's some left over food in there. We don't approve of the open mouth kisses.
You are so much to me. You are such a joy in my life. It makes my heart sing when you light up and give me your goofy smile when you see me. It makes me so happy to see you and your father interact. You both adore each other. I am in the happiest place I have ever been and I attribute it to my relationship with your Pops and the addition of you into our lives and making us more of a family. I love you with so much more than my heart can even possibly hold. I tell you many times a day I love you and I don't want you to ever doubt my love for you.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Sleep Soup
Dear Aiwyn,
You aren't old enough to be eating solids yet, but I set up your high chair about two weeks ago so you could be in the kitchen with me while I cook. Tonight you weren't really into playing with your toys. I was talking to you and telling you what I was chopping up. Every time I looked over at you and told you more about cooking you would smile that goofy smile at me. Then the kitchen was really quiet and I looked over and saw this:
Your high chair straps into a regular chair and is made for infant to toddler. It has a function to recline, which I thought was a strange feature until today....
I took the tray off and reclined you back and you took a 1/2 hour nap right there! On another note, here's the video clip of your crazy cackle. We not sure if you were doing it to your reflection or to the fan's reflection!
You aren't old enough to be eating solids yet, but I set up your high chair about two weeks ago so you could be in the kitchen with me while I cook. Tonight you weren't really into playing with your toys. I was talking to you and telling you what I was chopping up. Every time I looked over at you and told you more about cooking you would smile that goofy smile at me. Then the kitchen was really quiet and I looked over and saw this:
Your high chair straps into a regular chair and is made for infant to toddler. It has a function to recline, which I thought was a strange feature until today....
I took the tray off and reclined you back and you took a 1/2 hour nap right there! On another note, here's the video clip of your crazy cackle. We not sure if you were doing it to your reflection or to the fan's reflection!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Belated 5 months
Dear Aiwyn,
You turned 5 months old on the 1st. You are getting so "grown." Some days your Pops or I look at you and think we see some little girl facial expressions or movements. That's scary. I cannot say enough how much I love snuggling with you and giving you hugs and kisses. I dread the day that you pull away from my hugs. Maybe that's why you get so many... I'm trying to make sure I get in enough now to make up for the times when I might not get them.
You have become more dexterous and reach out further to grab things. You are master of the front to back roll over, but still don't like to "perform" your back to front roll. You can do it, you just prefer to lay on your back. Probably to stare at the fan more. You are doing great sitting up with very minimal support and you can sit unassisted for about 20 seconds max. You are definitely teething with all the thumb action and drool that's going on. But you aren't really cranky. You love to laugh, coo, fake cough (and then laugh), and now you cackle. Yes, you cackle. It's funny and we have video to prove it (I will post it later as it is late and blogger takes FOREVER to upload a video). Your new favorite "thing" is to look at things upside down. If we hold you on our lap you scooch so your head is hanging off over our knees and then you try to back bend even more upside down. It's pretty silly. Also, not only are you weaned off the bottle, but now you can hold your own sippy cup! Today you went to the doctor for some immunizations and you were a pretty brave girl. You cried right when the shots went in, but calmed down shortly after that. Today you weighed 16 pounds and 7 ounces and you are 25 3/4" long. I was 2 days late making your 5 onsie this month so you are not EXACTLY 5 months old in the picture. The picture was difficult to take because every time I backed away after sitting you up and scootched your legs to lay down. Looks like you are posing... such a model!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Missing you
Dear Aiwyn,
I've been back to work almost two months now... and I REALLY miss you! You are such a great sleeper and sleep 8-11 hours at night. You are now eating more and going longer without nursing and you can sleep longer. We are at the stage now where we need to adjust your eating schedule and/or put you to bed earlier. Since returning to work I wake you at 6:00 am to nurse and cuddle before I start my day. It is sooo hard to put you back in your crib and get ready to go to work. Then I get home about 5:30pm and you are ready to go to sleep about 9:30 pm (even though I don't actually put you to bed until 10:30 or 11:00 pm because I want to see more of you and cuddle longer). What is a mama to do? It's killing me that I only get to see you for 20 minutes in the morning and 5-5 1/2 hours at night and I really should be putting you to bed earlier. Ok, I need to move on. It's too hard to type with teary eyes.
In other news, you can roll over now! You are a pro at front to back and back to front with a trapped arm under you. And you are weaned off the bottle at 4 1/2 months! You drink your mama's milk in a sippy cup like a big girl now.
I've been back to work almost two months now... and I REALLY miss you! You are such a great sleeper and sleep 8-11 hours at night. You are now eating more and going longer without nursing and you can sleep longer. We are at the stage now where we need to adjust your eating schedule and/or put you to bed earlier. Since returning to work I wake you at 6:00 am to nurse and cuddle before I start my day. It is sooo hard to put you back in your crib and get ready to go to work. Then I get home about 5:30pm and you are ready to go to sleep about 9:30 pm (even though I don't actually put you to bed until 10:30 or 11:00 pm because I want to see more of you and cuddle longer). What is a mama to do? It's killing me that I only get to see you for 20 minutes in the morning and 5-5 1/2 hours at night and I really should be putting you to bed earlier. Ok, I need to move on. It's too hard to type with teary eyes.
In other news, you can roll over now! You are a pro at front to back and back to front with a trapped arm under you. And you are weaned off the bottle at 4 1/2 months! You drink your mama's milk in a sippy cup like a big girl now.
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